"Creative Playground. Wandering House of Culture" is a task combining creative activities and innovative approaches to national heritage and cultural education. The programme of the 8th edition included a series of holiday family events - interdisciplinary workshops and artistic actions, delivered directly and online. Children and parents took part in workshops, interactive walks and art actions inspired by culture and art. The thematic binder of this year's edition was the theme of wanderlust and journeys - those to a destination and those into oneself - and engaged art. Inspired by the work 'O Janku Wędrowniczku' by M. Konopnicka, who was the patron saint of the year 2022, the project was an opportunity for intergenerational experimentation with art. It enabled people of different ages, competences and skills to participate. The open-air nature of the events fostered openness and integrated the residents of the surrounding courtyards and neighbourhoods, strengthening the social capital of our city.
Zdrowy kręgosłup dla Seniora Żabieniec gr. 3 – 12:00 // zajęcia stałe // styczeń 2025 Sold Out
MSK: Żabieniec, RONDO Animation and Revitalisation Centre
166 Limanowskiego Street, Łódź